The Pure Power of Paint

Well, its 2016 and a new year with endless possibilities. By now, most of us have made our new year’s resolutions and maybe even broken some of them. I decided long ago to simply set goals instead and I do my best to achieve them throughout the year. Most center around completing the long list of unfinished jobs involving around my now 3 year home renovation. My latest endeavor is finishing my home’s half completed paint job. I am one of those weird people that actually enjoy painting and the instant gratification that it brings. However, instant is not quite the right word.
My wife and I picked out a new paint color for our home back in July, I believe. “This should go pretty quick”, I said to her and myself, it’ll be easy. Well, then the rains came, then the heat wave came, all the while simply trying to keep up with fatherhood’s endless chore list. “I’ll have it done by the holidays, for sure by Thanksgiving”. Well, I gave up on that idea around Halloween. Now I know why people pay others to paint their homes, it is damn near impossible to combine good weather with a childless weekend. Nevertheless, I have managed to paint 3/4 of my house, part of my garage and one side of my in-law quarters. I ‘ve managed to let patience reign and to focus on the powerful change a few gallons of paint can make on a home in dire need it. When we bought our home, the paint was washed out, and the details of the home were hidden by muted, faded colors. As you can see from the photos, paint can change the look of your home and make a powerful statement. The right colors make it’s details stand out, and change the way you feel about your home. If one of your resolutions…or goals in 2016 is to paint your home, I wish you more patience and better weather that I was blessed with. Happy painting!