Selling Your Home in 3 Quick Tips

Selling your home is an exciting time full of anticipation and lots of decision making. Your are moving out of your comfort zone in order to find a better one. With a few simple steps that takes minimal effort, you can focus your efforts on finding your new dwelling.
1. Get Betty in the Kitchen. Grocery stores may be the most helpful in making the biggest impact to your home sale. Visit the section near the eggs and grab a few tubes of croissants, cinnamon rolls or even your favorite cookies. About 30 minutes before your next scheduled showing, throw them in the oven. The smell of baked goods give a feeling of home that nothing else can touch. We sold a home in a 16% interest time period on the smell of baked bread.
2. Set the Stage. People are excited to imagine their furniture, their photos and their holidays filling your home. Do you best to remove personal photos and replace with simple artwork you might have stored away or spend purchased at a discount store.
3. It’s Alive! Put a little green in every room, even the bathroom. Either a healthy happy indoor plant or clip a few spring from something in the yard. Adding green life to your spaces brightens spirits, this small detail could have a big pay off.
There are so many things to do when selling your home, start with these and see how your feedback changes or watch how quickly offers start to roll in.